Season 2025 from 17 April

Vascular Spa treatments at Terme di Comano

Feel better immediately, and feel lighter.

Swelling, varicose veins and heavy legs are symptoms of a blood circulation problem that needs to be addressed. Especially in women, they are caused not only by familiarity and the influence of hormones, but also by other factors such as excessive weight, climate conditions and incorrect posture at work.

Targeted intervention is the objective of the integrated Circuit that Terme di Comano proposes for preventing and effectively addressing these disorders and for generating immediate improvement in your condition.


What is treated?

The Spa treatment is indicated for curing chronic venous insufficiencies, phlebologic diseases, blood circulation disorders that cause swelling, heaviness and dilated veins in the legs, in women especially.

Targeted intervention is the objective of the integrated Circuit that Terme di Comano proposes for preventing and effectively addressing these disorders and for generating immediate improvement in your condition.

The causes

Clinical trials confirm that about 70% of the patients suffering from these disorders show familial predisposition. The influence of female hormones also plays an important role through pregnancies and hormonal contraception that favour their onset. Other predisposing factors are obesity, climate conditions and workplace conditions.